Systematic Learning - GLAD Framework

Importance of Learning in our personal and professional lives has always been vital and more so in the present dynamic world. Ranging from students learning academically to seasoned IT professionals learning new { technologies, areas, programming languages, frameworks, ... }, it is an important element in your path towards success. However, without a systematic approach and definition of goals, learning journey becomes ineffective and precious time is lost as one gets easily lost in the information deluge. On top of this, technology is so vast that one needs to strike right prioritization and balance between { breadth of technologies, depth of knowledge, available time }. In this blog, a learning framework - GLAD - Goal, Level, Application, Depth is elaborated, which can be applied to each and every area you try to learn, and can be followed by students, amateurs, and professionals, for systematically achieving your goals.

GLAD Framework - Goal, Level, Application, Depth

Legend: LA - Learning Area (E.g. Serverless, Containers, Java, Python, AWS, Azure, …)

Goal Level Application Depth
Basic Knowledge L1 Understand technical materials, conversations around LA
Discuss at Strategic Level on LA
Know What part of LA
E.g. What is ‘Serverless’?
Applied Knowledge L2 Respond to client conversations involving LA
Generate leads and convert into opportunities in LA
Understand real scenarios where LA is applied
Pass Certification – as applicable
Know Where/Why of LA
E.g. Where is ‘Serverless’ applied?
E.g. Why is ‘Serverless’ adopted?
Practical Knowledge L3 Do Proof of Concept (PoC) in LA
Implement real projects involving LA – Operational Level
Solve problems in LA through helping others – Community
Pass Certification – as applicable
Know How part of LA
E.g. How is ‘Serverless’ implemented?
E.g. What are tools expedite ‘Serverless’?
Subject Matter Expert
L4 Proven experience of implementing real projects in LA
Industry recognitions (E.g. Certification, Badge, Hero, MVP)
Innovate and develop tools/accelerators in LA
Master everything in LA
E.g. How to contribute to ‘Serverless’
E.g. Where is ‘Serverless’ heading to?

Applying GLAD Framework

Applying GLAD Framework to your learning comprises of 4 steps.

  • Step 1 - Pick up a new Learning Area (LA from the above table), and the level you like to achieve - based on factors like { amount of available time, relevance to your success/growth in current job, need for a new job search, any other trigger for learning } .
  • Step 2 - Once a level is picked up as your time bound goal, then do your learning through a course or a book (Systematic) instead of randomly going through articles across the internet.
  • Step 3 - Since your goal and learning execution plan is time bound, please ensure periodically that you are on track to achieve the Depth and Application of Knowledge relevant to the chosen level.
  • Step 4 - Judge yourself or through a certification exam that you have reached the required level of knowledge as described in Depth and Application

Once you achieve your level and goal, check if you would like to proceed with another level of the same Learning Area (Or) Pick up a new Learning Area as suggested Step1 and iterate through the same 4 steps.


GLAD Framework will be referred to extensively across all posts in this blog related to Learning. Hence, take your time to analyze and feel free to tailor it to your learning so as to maintain the right balance Depth and Breadth of Knowledge in a Learning Area, needed for your job/career.